Are you finding yourself more prone to mood swings, excess weight, especially around the middle and more prone to seasonal allergies?

The perimenopause period can feel overwhelming at times and we can cause us to feel like we are struggling to cope. It can also lead to some uncomfortable symptoms:

  • We find ourselves trapped by emotional episodes feeling that anything might set off our tears and our mood keeps us feeling low - like we’re running on adrenalin.

  • Hot flushes and night sweats

  • Disturbed sleep and potential for rest too so we end up on a rollercoaster, feeling wired, then tired.

  • Aching muscles and joints

  • Migraines

  • Abdominal weight gain that will not shift!

If you feel like life has taken over and you’re fed up of pretending you’re fine, it’s time to get in touch with me.

This program has been designed for the perimenpausal women that I see. Perimenopuse can last up to 10 years so this has been designed to:

  • Manage hormone changes in the body

  • Increase emotional resilience

  • Bring back your positivity and optimism for life

  • Help you tackle the day, no matter what it holds for you!

You’ll feel like work and life are more in balance and that you are on top of things and you can say goodbye to running on adrenaline, freeing yourself from those health and illness niggles that used to slow you down


How does it work?

This is personal to you and is influenced by your body and exactly what symptoms you are experiencing. We’ll assess how these are affecting you and your health with the aim to get to the root of what drives these and the effect this has on your body and mood.

The program starts with an initial appointment to get to the root of the issue and support the solution arriving at:

  • The right foods to manage your lifestyle and thrive no matter what’s going on for you

  • The right vitamins and minerals so that you to feel improvement immediately - addressing any deficiencies that exist in your system

  • An understanding of your hormone levels to use the insight that holds

  • Your plan to meet your needs right now

This then forms the basis of our work together to help bring your hormones into harmony. o

After one month you can expect to see and feel change in yourself, with the right nutrients so that you can manage this period in your life and techniques for when those symptoms arise.

This program includes 5 sessions over 5 months and combines a mix of in person and Skype contact.